Sentiments and projects

I just realized, that christmas is on it's way. I have discovered the mysteries of a sewing machine and textile printing. I should open my pillow factory again. I need to go shopping for new fabrics. It's time to start making christmas presents. We also have a vacation coming right after christmas. Our very good friends are getting married in Calgary, Canada. I'm really excited about the wedding and the trip. Some pillows will be packed in a suitecase and fly over seas with us. Lot of great times a head. I can hardly wait! But I'll get back on the trip plans later.

I also have a desire for new curtains for the living room. I have white curtains now. I want to have more softer look. Now the white is see-through and I want a little bit thicker ones and made of linen. I have seen ones that I really like in some of the web-stores, but there is a chance that I will make them my self. My husband likes a greyish linen, which would suit perfectly to our living room.

From my grandmother's little farm we had a chance to have old hay stakes. We made an interior stairs. We still need to finish them up with some jute chord. I keep them in my grandmother's old flowerpot.

Hope you all have great day!


1 kommentti

  1. I love that you started this amazing blog! Beautiful work and great stories! Can't wait to see you!
