I made it!

Wow, sorry for being so busy and not being so active with my blog. Today I made my sweater a bit more cuter by putting some hearts on. I made it with needle felting. I think it's cute. Hope you are having a great start to your week.

Huh, kestää taas päivittää blogia, pahoittelen kiireitä. Tänään tuunasin villatakkini kivoilla sydämillä. Kokeilin ensimmäistä kertaa neulahuovutusta ja tässä tulos. Minusta ne on aikas söpöt. Toivottavasti viikkosi on alkanut mukavasti.


7 kommenttia

  1. That's creative! Looks good! Nice job!

    Love Lisanne

  2. I think I will do the same:) Really nice!!

    Big Hug,


  3. Thanks Lisanne =) I think it's a funky detail, LOL

    Hej Johanna! Oh you should, so easy and fun to do. Hugs to you too =)

  4. With a baby, I don't know how you blog at all!
    Cute sweater!

  5. Thanks Suzanne, I wonder that sometimes too, LOL. Have a great weeek!
