It's Time! But When?
perjantai 12. marraskuuta 2010
I've heard some great news during this busy week. My husband's little sister gave birth to a baby boy on Wednesday.Everything went well. Yesterday I heard that a good friend of mine is giving bith to her third child on January. We haven't seen each other for a a long time so I didn't have a clue.
Yeaterday I told you about the long phone call. Well that was true peer support. Both of our lives are not suitable for having a baby right now and we are both feeling a bit left out. Having children is a blessing and both my dear friend and I want to have children and time is ticking. I need to do my Master's on Special Education first before children.Time will show...
Now I have to rush out and go searching for Father's Day gift. I know I'm a bit late, but I will have this day to do it. Tomorrow we will celebrate both, my mom's birthday and Father's Day.
Hope you all have a pleasant weekend!! and Father's Day!!!
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Nice that you write in english. It is refreshing! I can understand your feelings. And it is important to get your degree but still dont wait too long, you can still do things with children, even study. Have a nice fathers day!
VastaaPoistaI meant to say that maybe THE TIME is now:)